no1s1 labs

For a future of decentralized living.

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Decentralized Living

No1s1 labs explores alternative approaches to land and buildings for a common regenerative future. We research, build and facilitate the movement towards networked common lands and autonomous self-managed buildings.

We call this vision decentralized living.


Perceive nature as a sovereign and regenerative entity.

Support local community building.

Engineer a living, interactive and intelligent built enviroment.

Root in parallel currencies & non-monetary values.

no1s1 labs Mission


We conduct research to advance our theoretical understanding of Web3 in the built environment. Topics include crypto-commons, regenerative development, and DAO governance in the AEC industry.


We fast-prototype to learn hands-on from experiments. This helps us explore alternative ways of living and makes the Web3 movement tangible.


We want to inspire others by communicating about our learnings, facilitating people around the world to collectively build a future built environment aligned with the values of decentralized living.

The no1s1 Prototype

no1s1 manages itself through smart contracts using blockchain technology. This allows for autonomous ownership of funds and decision-making, making no1s1 the world’s first self-owned house. It pioneers a unique concept: a house that belongs to no one, yet is accessible to all.